Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On What I Perceive As A Great Question

There are some things in life that are great ideas.

Offhand I can think of mixed drinks, Mexican cuisine and the overall catalog of Kevin Smith films.

Then again, there are fiercely terrible ideas.

Anything involving Jagermeister would be included in this category.

Normally, I would include sequels in this group as well, but ever since I got the idea about a week ago, I've been consumed by this question:

What happened after Willy Wonka gave Charlie the chocolate factory?

I intend to answer that question.


  1. I hope he goes to Loompa Land. I teach geography, so i know all about it.

  2. "Willy Wonka and the Great Glass Elevator" is Roald Dahl's sequel that picks up right after. I forget exactly what happens.

  3. I know that Dave. I meant after that. What happened to him? You'll find out.
